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National Conferences

As always, NASC is excited about the National Conference opportunities within our country! Check out the most up to date information below.

  • - Students (and/or advisors) can attend as individuals as part of the Nebraska delegation.
    - NASC will handle all planning, registration, transportation, etc.
    - June 25-29, Oklahoma City
    - Include pre-trip activities (subject to change based on availability)
    Rock City, Orr Family Farm Overnight, National Cowboy Museum, Bricktown Water Taxi, Frontier City Amusement Park, Oklahoma City Memorial/ Museum, Riversport Park Mixer
    - Cost $1500- covers transportation, hotel, conference, activities, swag (does not cover food during pre-trip, spending money)
    - $750 registration fee due March 1st
    All payments are non-refundable

    - Click on the photo to visit the conference website

VISION '24 New Mexico

Want to watch the 1-2 minute videos from each day of the trip? Check out @nebraskastuco on Instagram and facebook!

National Student Council Conference '25 Chicago